pátek 6. února 2015

Evening dress for the little Missy

Hi, everyone,
so still no pink dress, I'm sorry...but there is something at least - I've come to call it the 'little blue' (dress, that is :D) and I sweated blood over this, I swear. So I'm totally not posting a picture of how there is a piece of the skirt missing in the back, that is just too horrible :D
Well, here goes
Not sure if this is obvious, but that is the younger sheep lady, Eleanor's daughter :)
So, sorry about this, I'll soon be back with more sophisticated pieces.
Have a nice weekend :)

čtvrtek 5. února 2015

Gift for Eleanor

Hi, everyone,
today I missed the light again, so instead I thought to share a little something to do with Valentine's - Count Katzenstjarna's gift to Eleanor, whom he fancies. This huge bouquet!

I'm pretty sure she'll meet him for a date after being sent this invitation! :)
Love and kisses,

středa 4. února 2015

Eleanor's Autumn/Winter dress collection

Hi guys!
I seriously can't believe somebody is still reading this - and commenting, too! So I wanted to start this post off with a big thank you to our faithful readers, you're great :)
Now, these were made in November when Tiny Lady suddenly decided to go shopping and we paid....well, a lot of beers' worth for fabrics and whatnot (yes, one very educated engineer here, it's fabrics and then mostly just 'those other things' that Tiny Lady needs to make her awesome dresses :D). Then over the course of a single weekend, these two dresses appeared, creating what I've decided to call an Autumn/Winter collection, though I have no idea about fashion at all :D

So, that's that, I'll be back with more - there are three (? I think so :D) more dresses, but I don't have the right light now and pink is orange and so on, so I'll wait a bit :)
Love and kisses,

Halloween in Sylvania - party in the hamburger joint

So, totally out of season, obviously :D But things have been a bit hot around the place. That doesn't mean new things for our village haven't been crafted, though, so I'll try to catch up - one step at a time. 
Though it is not really the local tradition, we celebrate Halloween - in 2014, it was with a special package ordered from the United Kingdom and a few little handcrafted decorations. And so the young fox Adele had a massive party in the hamburger restaurant she works at. It was a huge success and so she is now planning another promotion for Valentine's day - but all in good time :) 
Now, here is the celebration at its height:

The witch, the baby pumpkin and the pumpkin all belong to the Halloween set (plus a broom and some party decorations that aren't visible in this picture), we added the bat staff and two small origami bats.
A little more detail:

So, that will be all for now, I'll be back with Tiny Lady's lovely winter dresses for -whom else- Lady Eleanor.
See you around,