pondělí 18. července 2016

Valentine Day’s surprise

Hi everyone,

we’re back from the hiatus! Well, temporarily, at least :D Today I’d like to show you some gorgeous dresses that I got from Sexiest Engineer for Valentine’s day. Hope you will forgive that the topic is slightly out of season :D

Although the village has grown considerably from our last post, Eleanor and her daughter still remain the favourites – and so they get special treatment everytime one of us sits down to create something. Perhaps it would be a good time to consider getting them a larger wardrobe (wink wink, Sexiest Engineer?) :D

Anyway, here they are:

As you can see, both the ladies were so excited that they had to try on the dresses right away! And with whom else to share the news than Mrs. Klein at the newly opened Toy shop down on the shopping lane? Unfortunately, they had been a little too eager and when they arrived, the owner was nowhere in sight. Immediately they started to worry about the Rabbit mother, but then they spotted Jia, one of Count Katzenstjärna’s helpers, on her usual morning errand to the bakery. Only then it occured to them to look at the time – and at this hour, Mrs. Klein was likely not even out of the bed yet! Luckily, Jia was kind enough to keep the two company long enough for their friend to arrive~

So, that’s it for today, but I’ve still got plenty of stuff to share with you, so I hope you’ll check back with us again! :3

What have your critters been up to lately?

Tiny Lady