Alright, everybody, here comes! I am so done today, it is unbelievable. I've managed to sew a mattress, a pillow with a pillowcase and a blanket of a sort and that's all I've done the whole day. In the time that I'd normally make a whole bed or a sitting set...and with an amount of energy absolutely disproportionate to the task ( and the result, oh dear God ). I've come to understand something about myself today: I cannot sew. I mean, I managed somehow in the end, but God, never again! I'm used to having a very good idea of what I'm making and to being able to flip the pieces around in my head whichever way I please, but sewing? Nope. I just had to take a leap of faith every time. And though I always learn by making mistakes, today had way too many lessons for my taste, really :D Anyway, I'll stop blabbering, here goes:
So that's on the bed, now let's disassemble:
My hand is in there because I'm trying to show off :D That's to show that it's an actual pillow in a pillowcase, is all. But I do think it's not bad to see a human hand for scale sometimes :D
Well, that's all, I'm going to bed, be back tomorrow.
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