čtvrtek 7. srpna 2014

Final touches on the white bedroom set

Alright, so I've finally gotten around to finishing the white bedroom set - adding handles and so on. It was a quick job and very rewarding...in short, nothing like last night and just what I'd needed :D So, here we have it, all together:

Here are separate shots of the pieces for more detail, going left to right :)

Well, the hangers didn't come out as well as I'd hoped, but tough life, I suppose :D It's something.

Now, that's all to the white bedroom set - and it's also the last of my vacation, so...before I pack up, I thought to share a look at all the furniture that's coming home with me after this week. This is shot in the kitchen where I've sat night after night making these things and it's where I've slowly collected them as they came to be :) ...and I think I'll be taking that pink teabag with me as a souvenir :D Though nobody can expect me to drink something as horrible as that....grapefruit tea, really, what is the world coming to.

...so small, not much of an accomplishment there :D

Thanks for reading me this past week, though I've spouted solid nonsense :D I'll try to keep posting from home, but it will hardly be every day, I'm afraid :( I really loved doing this and I'll definitely keep going, but there will be much less time from now on.

Have a great time, everyone...I'm now going to spend the last hours of my vacation trying to pack these as safely as possible for transport :D
Engineer out.

4 komentáře:

  1. The pink teabag must have it's one section on your blog :D, just kidding ;).
    I love the handles and the hangers, they look great and gave the furniture the ffinising touch :). Come home safely! :D
    By the way: thank you very much you two for following my blog :)

    1. It totally should have its own section! :D We'll definitely think about doing that! And thanks, got home alright yesterday and so did all the furniture, which made me really happy, I'd worried a lot.
      And no need to thank us, really, we both love your blog, it was high time we followed :)

  2. The hangers are just super! So intricate! how did you make them? Glad you got home safely, and that no furniture was damaged! Grapefruit tea sounds disgusting - I once saw a Ginger flavoured tea :-0

    1. Yes, they do that, don't they, lots of ginger flavors lately :D Thank you very much for the compliment :) The hangers are really just a piece wire ( though of course you knew that :D ) and I kind of fail to find the right words to describe the process, but it goes mainly thus: I started off with a sort of a triangle ( I'd like to offer some angles here, but I sort of just winged it - and it also deforms a little as one proceeds ), the base being the bottom of the hanger, then I grabbed the two ends of the wire a little above the point where they crossed and twisted them together. After that I cut the excessive wire from one end and shaped the other into the circle ( sort of ) on the top ( if you try to make similar ones, it's good at this point to start off by bending it sort of 'backwards', so it doesn't go straight up - that's what I did at the beginning and it looks weird :D though you might have better luck :) ). I'm sorry for this messy explanation ( and for how late I responded, sorry about that, too! ) and thanks for following us :)
